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CBSE instructors

Muskaan Sadhnani

Muskaan, a current struggling ICSE 11th grade student and writer “wannabe”, struggled to find “life hacks” on how to pass board exams so she decided that none of you need to go through the same struggle all over again! She designed these notes such that it makes your course not only interesting but also such that you as students will actually be able to retain information. When she isn't fighting the horror called ICSE BIOLOGY. You can find her making absolutely lame jokes, playing among us, fangirling over fictional characters, reading wattpad, scrolling through tiktok for hours on end or even binge watching netflix. She hopes that these resources help you and all of you ace your boards! (just like her HAHA jk) 

Aniket Rao

Aniket is a 11th grade CBSE student who is deeply interested in mathematics. Apart from that he is an active sportsman. He decided to make these notes, to help his juniors, so that they do not have to face the issues he faced. Being an experienced sportsman  he understands the hardships face by them in balancing sports with their academic life. Test Prep has inspired him and provided an opportunity to help his fellow sportsmen. He wholeheartedly hopes that the resources uploaded by him will be beneficial and will help you prepare for your respective exams.

Bishmit Rout

Bishmit is a CBSE student currently in 11th grade. English has always appealed to him, and is his favourite subject. He is also extremely passionate about swimming, and hence is often called "fishmit" by his friends. He is glad to have assisted in making your academic path easier!

Prisha Singhal

Having self studied for the board exams herself, Prisha looks forward to sharing her knowledge, notes and study techniques through this independent study course.Outside school, she engages in volunteer work and plays the piano. Prisha is confident you can pass with exemplary results after studying the course and hopes to share her passion towards french/chemistry (depending on the subject)  with you :)

Avantika Sharad

When she’s not watching romance movies she is most probably sleeping or eating. Avantika is teaching CBSE Math because unlike most of the sane population, she actually enjoys it. She has prepared detailed notes in the subject to aid you in scoring your level best in your board exams. She hopes that your interest in the subject grows with the help of her notes :)

Riya Tripathi

Riya has always taken an interest in Biology, and her passion for the subject led her to join the TestPrep team. The complex diagrams, key terms and elaborate biological descriptions have never been an inconvenience to her. While Riya isn’t experimenting on her music tastes or intensely watching cricket matches, she can be seen sketching biology diagrams or watching videos of everything and anything under a microscope. Having scored a 99/100 in Science in her 10th Board Examination, Riya hopes to help students score perfectly by gaining a proper understanding of the subject. She wishes to ignite a genuine love for Biology in the students by making it an engaging journey for them. She looks forward to meeting you in her classes!

Ishita Gupta

Even the most random things can sometimes capture you enough to make you fall in love with them. French was a subject like that to Ishita, from being an untouched territory, she finally gave her board exams on it. Although making you like this subject is out of her control, she hopes to help you understand it better and enjoy it a little more than usual. Other random things that interest her include penning down lives of fictional characters, watching choreographies and binge watching dramas. She hopes to aid you and relieve you of some of the stress you undergo trying to conquer a foreign language.

Aditi Singh

Aditi is someone who loves and lives to learn just anything new, but has a propensity for chemistry. She wants to instill the same interest in all the students so they can enjoy the subject as much as she does. She likes to understand the concepts rather than mugging them up. Her first-hand experience has enabled her to create notes that are well recapitulated and easy to grasp. While she is not poring over the chemical structures of various compounds, Aditi can be found  binge-watching K-dramas, rewatching The Vampire Diaries, grooving to some music, or watching historical documentaries. Lastly, She is glad to have assisted you and hopes that the resources uploaded by her are beneficial!

Vrinda Kapoor

Vrinda is a CBSE 11 student who took science even though they suck at it..  and only really liked social science. And read the chapters with actual interest (crazy, they know). Other than trying to beautify their class notes on paper, they like spending hours curating lowkey bad Spotify playlists and analysing their birth chart. They hope to help juniors understand and learn the subject a little better, as they know what it’s like to stay up till 3 AM cramming for it while on 5-hour energy and a venti cold brew.

Samarth Rao

Samarth is adamant when it comes to doing the right thing and going the extra mile. With extreme determination, on and off the court, he manages to complete his tasks using all his resources, ensuring the best quality he can produce. That being said, he wishes to encourage his fellow peers and juniors to follow such a path of hardwork and determination. His questions should bring out the critical thinking required for CBSE students to crack their exam. He wishes the best of luck in preparations for the board exams, he too will need it soon.

Moulik Pare

Moulik has always been passionate about mathematics. When he isn't busy solving complicated math problems or making hilarious jokes you can find him grooving along to his favourites Post Malone or Maroon 5 or watching football matches! He is also deeply engaged in sports and co-curriculars and hopes that the resources made by him will help you get a better understanding of the subject and score great marks!

Nandita Ramesh

Maths is a subject that Nandita is truly passionate about. You could find her solving math problems at any time of the day. Apart from that, she enjoys learning new things, loves to sing and also loves to play badminton. She hopes that her notes will benefit the board appearing students and help them achieve the best of their capabilities!

Urvshi Thapar

Aniket is a 11th grade CBSE student who is deeply interested in mathematics. Apart from that he is an active sportsman. He decided to make these notes, to help his juniors, so that they do not have to face the issues he faced. Being an experienced sportsman  he understands the hardships face by them in balancing sports with their academic life. Test Prep has inspired him and provided an opportunity to help his fellow sportsmen. He wholeheartedly hopes that the resources uploaded by him will be beneficial and will help you prepare for your respective exams.

Mathew Paul

Mathew is a 11th grade CBSE student who has a keen liking and passion for computer science even wishing to pursue it in the future. Apart from that he enjoys playing football and volleyball. He hopes to help his fellow juniors with the detailed notes he made allowing them to clearly grasp the topics at hand. Many may see CA as an extra subject not worth spending too much time on, however he believes that the more you understand the subject, the more you will begin to appreciate it.

Mahi Rathi

Mahi, like every other 11th grader often struggles to balance her social life and academics. When she isn’t reading a book or fantasizing about fictional characters, you can find her jamming out to songs or binge-eating. Her love and passion for Mathematics and French led her to design these elaborate and extensive courses for you. She hopes that it not only helps you ace the board exams but also spark an interest for the subjects.

Abhinav Simha

Computers have always appealed to Abhinav and would like to pursue computer science in the future. As a child, he was absolutely attracted by computer games and later it was programming. Apart from this he also enjoys playing cricket and football. Abhinav has had struggles juggling between the two things he loves, and that's precisely why he has decided to help you guys out there. He thinks all you need is full dedication and regular practice in order to perfect your programming skills. He hopes that the notes made by him will be beneficial and also wishes best of luck for the following board exams.

Ananya Mathur

Always on the lookout for opportunities to help others, Ananya was elated when she heard about TestPrep. Using her experience with CBSE Biology and English to leverage, Ananya hopes to guide students through the same path. Apart from writing endless CAS reflections and whining about IB in her free time, Ananya occupies herself with blogging, dancing, reading, or analysing Carol Ann Duffy (strange, isn’t it?). Her ultimate purpose in life is to promote the beauty of Biology and English to students. Feel free to reach out to her to ask doubts, share rants, struggles, or anything at all! :)

Amruth Parakkunnath

Amruth, like all other 11th graders, struggles to deal with PHYSICS. While he is not struggling with his studies, you can find him constantly vibing on Twitter and Whatsapp. A massive Man Utd fan, his mood often depends on how his team plays. Apart from being a sports fan, he also enjoys spending his time coding and wishes to pursue a career in this field. He sincerely hopes that the notes he has made will enable his juniors to gain a better understanding of the topics.

Subodhini Vignesh

It is truly beyond Subodhini how she got a centum in Sanskrit; with TestPrep, she hopes her knowledge of santhi rules, vocab, and random sanskrit memes (yes, they exist) that are aimlessly floating around in her head are put to use. She hopes her juniors find her notes useful, and that they find the joy of teasing their friends in an ancient language most humans won’t understand. If she isn't daydreaming, you will find Subo bothering the poor souls she calls friends, reading Business, Economics, Maths, or her Whatsapp messages, or whining about shifting from CBSE to IB (even though she really doesn’t mind IB). 


TestPrep provided a good opportunity for Harish to reach out and help others with the subjects he struggled the most, Physics and Sanskrit. A good understanding of concepts in Physics and of the text and grammar in Sanskrit, is what he believes to be the key to excelling in these subjects. He hopes students find his notes useful and beneficial in their preparation for their boards and wishes them the very best.

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